We offer expert diagnosis and treatment in shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries.
Injuries to the upper limb can be due to a sporting injury, fall, repetitive actions in your day to day life or from sitting at your computer for too long in one position. With a thorough examination to diagnose the problem, a treatment plan can be devised to get you back on track.

The shoulder has a very shallow ball and socket to allow a great deal of movement. Therefore, it has a large number of muscles, ligaments and a capsule to provide stability and strength. Due to the available mobility, it can be a common area for injury, some of those that we see are:
- Shoulder impingement
- Rotator cuff injury
- Frozen shoulder
- Shoulder arthritis
- Shoulder dislocation
- Acromioclavicular joint injuries
- Shoulder fractures
The elbow is hinged joint and it is mainly injured through overuse or a fall. We see injuries, commonly, such as these listed below:
- Tennis elbow
- Golfers elbow
- Elbow fracture
- Bursitis

The wrist is a complex joint made of eight carpal bones sandwiched between two bones from your forearm and the bones that make up your fingers. It is commonly injured, most often as a result of a fall, daily repetitive use or from the stresses and strains of many sports. Frequent injuries seen, but not exhaustive, are:
- Fracture
- Sprain
- Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury
- De Quervain’s
- Carpal tunnel
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